The Quotable


Emptiness is everything in this room.
Outside, the sky is not overflowing,
but pouring over the years.
What is the use of the numbers of time,
when she picks up the phone and says:

“Hello, please don’t hang up. I want to
talk with someone.”

But I am looking for spiders to build me
a clock out of silence,
crows for a poetry reading and rusty nails
for a different kind of farewell.



Peycho Kanev is the Editor-In-Chief of Kanev Books. His poems have appeared in more than 600 literary magazines, such as: Poetry Quarterly, Evergreen Review, Hawaii Review, The Monarch Review, The Coachella Review, Black Market Review, The Cleveland Review, In Posse Review, DMQ Review and many others. Kanev has won several European awards for his poetry and has been nominated for the Pushcart Award and Best of the Net. His poetry collection Bone Silence was released in September 2010 by Desperanto Publishing Group. A new collection of his poetry, titled Requiem for One Night, will be published by Desperanto Publishing Group in 2012

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